2021 Year in Review

2021 was monumental. In January, we could've never imagined all we've been able to accomplish over the past 12 months. The gift of seeing it all in one place is overwhelming in all the best ways. Creating this year in review gave us the wonderful opportunity to look back at the year and be reminded over and over again - with every picture, every student, every smile - just how lucky we are to have such an amazing community of supporters.

It is because of our growing community that this extraordinary work is possible, and that is something that we can all be proud of as we step into 2022.

We can't wait to see what the next 12 months hold in store, and what we can continue to accomplish together!

With love and gratitude,

Ben Houghton and Katy Pffafl, Co-Founders


Ali Stroker at Shanti Bhavan!

